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New Bury Boxing Club: Knocking Out Serious Youth Violence with Fists of Fury! 🥊
With SportFin's impact analytics engine, we can quantify the positive influence community sport organisation generate for its members and their surrounding communities. From increased confidence in individuals and stronger sense of community among participants to deterring crime in their local community, the ripple effects of the impact small sport organisations in our communities generate are truly remarkable.
In this case study, we have used real-time data from New Bury Boxing Club and SportFin's impact analytics engine to estimate the significant outcomes and social value the club generates for its local communities - helping save costs for the NHS, schools and the police.
We have then utilised the Social Return on Investment (SROI) in Sport Framework to measure the social value in monetary terms that New Bury Boxing Club contributes to its communities. We estimate that through their activities, New Bury Boxing Club are helping create an amazing £310,800 a year in social value for their local communities!
About New Bury Boxing Club
New Bury Boxing Club stands as a thriving community hub, born out of a fervent passion for boxing and a commitment to creating a positive impact. Beyond the ring, the club has embraced its role as a community hub, offering more than just boxing.
With a focus on empowerment, New Bury Boxing Club collaborates with organisations like Youth Challenge and Maverick Stars, providing free kids' classes that instil values such as discipline, confidence, and a sense of belonging. The club has become a beacon for those seeking personal growth, community engagement, and unwavering support.
New Bury Boxing Club provides diverse sessions like boxing and yoga twice a week, delivering over 100 minutes of vigorous physical activity for children and young people.
Boxing sessions at New Bury are run by multiple coaches, including local professional boxer Jack who has won multiple English titles and is a role model for the children and young adults who attend their classes.
Jack himself had learnt how to box at New Bury Boxing Club and his sessions now helps give belief to the local children that they can achieve their dreams with hard work and dedication no matter their personal circumstances.
Deterring Violence and Anti-Social Behaviour through Boxing
In 2014, the boxing club was forced to shut its doors. Following the loss of the club there was a significant upswing in serious youth violence within the area. The absence of the boxing club and the youth club accentuated the challenges faced by the youth, exacerbating the impact of anti-social behaviour and knife crime on their lives.
In 2020, the Violence Reduction Unit, in alignment with its community-led pilot initiative, conducted a thorough examination of the prevailing challenges in the area. The findings underscored the imperative need to revive community sports as a strategic approach to actively engage youth groups, with a specific and targeted goal of mitigating instances of anti-social behaviour and violence.
“Designed by the violence reduction unit, to help local organisations help tackle the problem… it became quite clear quite quickly that the area needed a boxing club again."
- Chantelle Nice, Secretary of Newbury Boxing Club
Research from Sport England has indicated a correlation between sports and crime reduction. Engaging in sports activities has been shown to promote positive behaviours, decrease delinquency and criminal activities, and lower the likelihood of reoffending. This connection between sports and crime prevention is often from a deterrence perspective, particularly in the context of youth crime and at-risk youth who are more susceptible to criminal behaviour and delinquency.
Since its re-opening New Bury Boxing Club has helped foster the development of the young boys and girls, gain new skills and make lasting friendships. They have also been helping reduce holiday hunger and isolation in children by engaging in the Holiday Food and Activity Programme.
“After a few weeks of continuously attending boxing and community activities, a positive behavioural change can be seen in children - appearing to be happier and calmer. Boxing helps focus, give them that discipline they need in their life.”
– Chantelle Nice, Club Secretary of New Bury Boxing Club
Strong support networks developed between coaches, volunteers and the youths who attend their boxing sessions gives children a place to self-regulate their emotions and a place to feel like a second home - keeping children and young people constructively engaged at their local community centre instead of getting involved in violent crime and anti-social behaviour.
The club has a specific focus on preventing violent crime, offering additional trips and educational opportunities. During a recent visit to the 'Knife Angel' sculpture, crafted by the British Ironworks Centre, club secretary Chantelle asked the children: “Does anyone know anyone who has been lost (to knife crime)” , to which many responded by raising their hands.
Following this, they wrote the names of those lost to knife crime on a piece of cloth, tying them to the monument. New Bury Boxing Club utilizes such trips to educate children on issues like knife crime, address loss, and foster a sense of community.
Sport has the incredible ability to unite people and foster a sense of belonging. By leveraging the power of sports, New Bury Boxing Club is not only teaching valuable life lessons but also actively working towards creating a safer and more cohesive community.
Analysis of the Impact and Social Value Created by New Bury Boxing Club
SportFin's Impact Analytics engine takes data received from sports providers about who is participating in what activities and then reads underlying academic literature to find correlations between participating and volunteering in sport and outcomes in health, education and societal development.
From our analysis of New Bury Boxing Club, we found that 86 unique individuals were correlated to positive outcomes such as Cardiovascular Risk Reduction, Depression Risk Reduction, Community Connectedness and Identity and Anti-Social Behaviour Reduction.
Physical and Mental Health-Related Impacts
Sport and physical activities have positive impacts on preventing chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis. Studies show organized sports and social interactions reduce stress, increase positive feelings, and promote mental wellness.
We assessed the value of health outcomes generated by New Bury Boxing Club by calculating how many potential cases could be prevented through the sport activities they deliver, multiplied by the average yearly cost for each person diagnosed with the condition.
Educational Impacts
Participation in sport generates educational benefits through psychological development outcomes like positive affect, optimism, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. These impacts are particularly significant for children and youth, shaping effective human development with implications for adult life.
By applying the SROI of Sport Framework, we can measure the educational impact of New Bury Boxing on individuals aged 16-18 by assessing their likelihood of attaining qualifications like GCSEs and A-levels due to their sports participation levels, along with the economic value in their lifetime productivity returns.
Social Capital and Crime Reduction Impacts
In terms of development of social capital, studies have found a correlation between participation in sport and development of social relationships, collective community action and reduction in social tensions, however, the correlation is dependent on how the sport programmes are structured and the wider social issues that exist.
In SROI of Sport Framework, the monetary value of social capital outcomes is assessed by determining the hypothetical income required to compensate for the absence of benefits derived from enhanced social capital (including subjective well-being) through engagement in sports and physical activities.
For crime reduction, research has found participation in sports promotes pro-social behaviour, reduces the risk of delinquency and criminal conduct, and lowers the likelihood of repeat offenses.
To quantify the value of crime reduction impacts, we consider the number of young adults that are likely to be prevented from engaging in anti-social behaviour or re-offending multiplied by the average cost per incident to the public.
All the above outcomes facilitated by New Bury Boxing Club collectively contribute to enhancing individuals' subjective well-being. By enhancing their health, social and community engagements, and fostering human capital (in terms of earnings and educational attainment), New Bury Boxing Club effectively and efficiently fosters well-being within local communities across various aspects.
Our mission at SportFin is to support organisations such as New Bury Boxing Club in harnessing data and digital technologies so that they can present powerful stories about the impact they are helping generate for individuals and communities.
If you are in a position to contribute further, donating to New Bury Boxing Club can help them sustain their programs, provide necessary resources, and create more opportunities for individuals to benefit from their services. Every donation, no matter how big or small, can play a crucial role in ensuring the continued success and impact of the club.