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Ichiban Karate
Ichiban Karate

Ichiban Karate

Ichiban karate is one of the fastest growing and inclusive karate clubs in Leeds, growing both in terms of numbers and in terms of success at a competitive level at competitions around the UK. Based at Ichiban Dojo on Meanwood Road, Ichiban Karate also facilitates classes in Gipton in conjunction with the charity Gipton Together. The club provides karate classes for everyone age 4 + and provides members with the option to simply either progress their karate in class or also pursue a competitive aspect through the development of a strong competition squad over the last 5 years. Taking beginners to World Champions. Approximately 60% of the club is made up of family and sibling members that train and progress together on a weekly basis. The club is also proud to have a strong female membership in sport that is often seen as male dominated. The club, through it's competitive activities and development of individuals potential, the club aims to help leverage their achievements to help them achieve secondary school and higher education bursaries and scholarships, thereby improving their long term prospects, helping them achieve their higher aspirations.


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